Thursday, March 29, 2012

Honor Thy Father and Mother.

Jesus would pick up a hammer and get to work.

Seriously. THIS is one of the Big 10? Oh, how my Sunday School teachers loved to preach on this one and why not? There's no interpretation, no symbolism to correlate. Straight from God's mouth to your ears, right above "Thou shalt not kill". Talk about black and white.

Us poor kids never had a chance. If we questioned a parent's decision, we'd hear "because I told you so." If the more aggressive of us asked "well, who made you the boss?" a parent could simply site the 5th commandment and be done with it. End of story, God said it. No higher court. Humph!

Obviously, I'm being dramatic and now that I'm older, I appreciate the wisdom. So yeah, honor your parents, 'cause they are your little gods on earth.

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