Monday, August 1, 2011

Game on, stringbean!

Game on, stringbean.

Growing up, I was a huge fan of the daily comics. I read 'em all including the soap-opera ones like Rex Morgan. Blondie is a classic strip that does everything right. The art is well crafted, the main character has his famous idiosyncrasies that makes him endearing to the reader. His ability to make and eat sandwiches has permeated into society to the point that most people know that a "Dagwood" is going to be a big sandwich when listed on a menu.

Also, I've always loved crossovers in comics partly because it immediately gives the reader a connection to the artist. As you read a comic, if the artist is true to the strip's universe, you get so into the characters that you forget the artist behind the scenes. But when Hagar shows up in Pearls Before Swine you are exposed to the artist's thought process. As a cartoonist myself, I really appreciate that connection.

If you are a fan of Finding Elim, let me know by sending me an email, or joining the fan club at

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