Monday, February 14, 2011

Careful what you pray for

Always be careful what you pray for.

It's a concept as old as Genesis but somehow we need to be reminded every day. I sometimes wish Finding Elim would be more popular or even syndicated but when I really think about it, It's also a frightening thought being committed to do a more frequent or even (gasp!) daily comic.

If you are a fan of Finding Elim, let me know by sending me an email, or joining the fan club at

1 comment:

Heather Wreckage said...

Hey Dave, I just saw that you found my blog! Good to hear from you! I am traveling this summer, and I'm in washington right now, but I am going to try it out to Texas at some point. I have a 12th issue of Dreams of Donuts now, if you want to email me your mailing address I will try to get you one when I have some scrilla.