Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Young, skinny blonds need the Word too.

I'm thinking of starting a beach ministry.

One of my favorite people of all time was Dan Vigus. He had a way of recognizing the humor in just about every situation and on one occasion, while vacationing on the beach he made the above comment to his Father in law. The midwesterners in us had been practically shielding our eyes to the bathers on the beach and his impromptu quip lightened the mood. It's a small thing, but it's all the small jokes and observances from people like Dan and others that have formed my sense of humor and inspired Finding Elim.

So remember, God's beauty is all around us: in the sunset, the mountains and in the fleeting, vibrant beauty of youth. Appreciate His creation! (but don't get too enthused or your wife will give you her own thoughts on the matter).

If you are a fan of Finding Elim, let me know by sending me an email, or joining the fan club at http://www.facebook.com/FindingElim

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