If you've never at least thought about sticking those little communion glasses in your eyes, then you've never been a kid forced to sit in a pew for a whole church service. I mean come on, even my Dad did it to get a laugh.
Every once in a while I see some parent driving a car that was obviously decorated for their teenager. To me, it's just too funny - but then I'm easily amused.
I actually went to a doctor recently where he "shared" his interest in boats and Porsches with his patients. I gotta tell you, I like to dream, but I don't want to be reminded that I'm actually financing someone else's extravagant dreams. The high price of healthcare is a real problem in my opinion, and is one of the most serious catalysts in the ever-widening gap between the classes. I could go on ...
My current comic endeavor is "Finding Elim", but there are many more comics available at my website along with other artsy stuff for your surfing pleasure.